Unshielded twisted-pair (UTP)
Unshielded twisted-pair (UTP abbreviated) is a type of cable network that uses the basic material copper, which are not equipped with the internal shield. UTP cable is a type of the most frequently used in the local network (LAN), because the price is low, flexible and performance ditunjukkannya relatively good. In UTP cable, there is an insulation layer that protects the cable from the tension or physical damage, but, unlike cable Shielded Twisted-pair (STP), insulation is not to protect the cable from interference elektromagnetik.
UTP cable has impendansi approximately 100 Ohm, and is available in several categories, which is determined from the ability of the available data transmission such as written in the table below.
Category 1 (Cat1)
Quality of sound analog
Category 2 (Cat2)
Transmitting sound digitally up to 4 megabit per second
Category 3 (Cat3)
Transmitting data digitally to 10 megabit per second
Category 4 (Cat4)
Digital data transmission up to 16 megabit per second
Category 5 (Cat5)
Digital data transmission up to 100 megabit per second
Enhanced Category (Cat5e)Digital data transmission up to 250 megabit per second
Category 6 (Cat6)
Category 7 (Cat7)
In between all the cable, the cable Enhanced Category 5 (Cat5e) and Category 5 (Cat5) UTP cable is the most popular that are used in many network-based technology, Ethernet.
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